Shane Templeton - Words Their Way : Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction Plus Words Their Way: Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners Package read online book EPUB, DOC


"Words Their Way(r) Within Word Pattern Sorts for Spanish Speaking English Learners "provides teachers with a practical, research-based, classroom-proven way to study words with students, and a complete curriculum for within word pattern spellers from Spanish-speaking backgrounds. The approach focuses on vocabulary development and linguistic commonalities and contrasts to help support students as they grow in English. Included are prepared reproducible sorts and step-by-step directions on how to guide students through the sorting lesson, make literature connections, and follow-up activities to extend the lesson through weekly routines. Although this book is designed to supplement the text "Words Their Way(r) with English Learners: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling" the pace and scope of the book is helpful for English learners from non-Spanish speaking backgrounds as well. ", Words Their Way(r): Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish Speaking English Learners a new text providing strategic assistance for teachers working with native Spanish speakers. Based on the same solid research and using the same scope and sequence laid out in Words Their Way(r) with English Learners, this companion volume begins with a series of picture concept sorts that teach students how to sort, providing guidance to help teachers make sorting meaningful. The text develops a routine for introducing the English vocabulary, helping students learn the vocabulary before they sort. The words for study are selected based on their phonetic properties as well as their usefulness in reading, speaking and understanding grade level content. The text addresses the needs of the letter name-alphabetic speller, whether young or not so young. The text is careful to include sorts more appropriate for older learners, as well as advanced EL students needing more concept and vocabulary support. 0134613759 / 9780134613758 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction plus Words Their Way: Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners Package 1/e Package consists of: 0132421038 / 9780132421034 Words Their Way: Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners 1/e 0133996336 / 9780133996333 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction 6/e ", Words Their Way® : Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish Speaking English Learners a new text providing strategic assistance for teachers working with native Spanish speakers. Based on the same solid research and using the same scope and sequence laid out in Words Their Way® with English Learners, this companion volume begins with a series of picture concept sorts that teach students how to sort, providing guidance to help teachers make sorting meaningful. The text develops a routine for introducing the English vocabulary, helping students learn the vocabulary before they sort. The words for study are selected based on their phonetic properties as well as their usefulness in reading, speaking and understanding grade level content. The text addresses the needs of the letter name-alphabetic speller, whether young or not so young. The text is careful to include sorts more appropriate for older learners, as well as advanced EL students needing more concept and vocabulary support. 0134613759 / 9780134613758 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction plus Words Their Way: Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners Package 1/e Package consists of: 0132421038 / 9780132421034 Words Their Way: Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners 1/e 0133996336 / 9780133996333 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction 6/e

Read online Words Their Way : Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary, and Spelling Instruction Plus Words Their Way: Letter-Name Alphabetic Sorts for Spanish-Speaking English Learners Package by Shane Templeton in EPUB, FB2

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