Download book Divesh Srivastava - Synthesis Lectures on Data Management: Big Data Integration in MOBI, FB2, DOC


The big data era is upon us: data are being generated, analyzed, and used at an unprecedented scale, and data-driven decision making is sweeping through all aspects of society. Since the value of data explodes when it can be linked and fused with other data, addressing the big data integration (BDI) challenge is critical to realizing the promise of big data. BDI differs from traditional data integration along the dimensions of volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. First, not only can data sources contain a huge volume of data, but also the number of data sources is now in the millions. Second, because of the rate at which newly collected data are made available, many of the data sources are very dynamic, and the number of data sources is also rapidly exploding. Third, data sources are extremely heterogeneous in their structure and content, exhibiting considerable variety even for substantially similar entities. Fourth, the data sources are of widely differing qualities, with significant differences in the coverage, accuracy and timeliness of data provided. This book explores the progress that has been made by the data integration community on the topics of schema alignment, record linkage and data fusion in addressing these novel challenges faced by big data integration. Each of these topics is covered in a systematic way: first starting with a quick tour of the topic in the context of traditional data integration, followed by a detailed, example-driven exposition of recent innovative techniques that have been proposed to address the BDI challenges of volume, velocity, variety, and veracity. Finally, it presents merging topics and opportunities that are specific to BDI, identifying promising directions for the data integration community.

Book Synthesis Lectures on Data Management: Big Data Integration in EPUB

Written for the engineer as well as the race car enthusiast and students, the companion workbook to the original classic book, Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, includes: -Detailed worked solutions to all of the problems -Problems for every chapter in Race Car Vehicle Dynamics, including many new problems -The Race Car Vehicle Dynamics Program Suite (for Windows) with accompanying exercises -Experiments to try with your own vehicle -Educational appendix with additional references and course outlines -Over 90 figures and graphs This workbook is widely used as a college textbook and has been an SAE International best seller since it's introduction in 1995.Building upon his earlier book that detailed agile data warehousing programming techniques for the Scrum master, Ralph's latest work illustrates the agile interpretations of the remaining software engineering disciplines: Requirements management benefits from streamlined templates that not only define projects quickly, but ensure nothing essential is overlooked.The papers are organized in topical sections on multimedia databases and high-dimensional indexing, information retrieval and text indexing, data mining, semistructured data management, data warehousing and federated databases, Web information management and e-commerce, spatio-temporal and high-dimensional information management, data mining and constraint management, data integration and filtering, and workflow and adaptive systems.In Mathematics of the Transcendental , Alain Badiou offers a complete elaboration of his understanding and use of Category Theory.The second section introduces statistics and then develops tools for fitting models to data, from both frequentist and Bayesian perspectives.Nested optimization algorithms are embedded in a cloud application platform for water resources modeling and optimization.Schmitt, John R. Koza, Matthew J.Step by step, he assembles a blueprint for the future universal learnerthe Master Algorithmand discusses what it means for you, and for the future of business, science, and society.They explore such topics as the role of building blocks, the balancing of exploration with exploitation, the modeling of EC algorithms, the connection with optimization theory and the role of EC as a meta-heuristic method, to name a few.