Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology : A Review (2015, E-book) by book DJV, DOC, EPUB


Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology brings together leading international researchers to showcase some of the most important emerging topics in contemporary sport psychology. Each chapter offers a comprehensive review of current knowledge and research on a cutting-edge theme, followed by in-depth discussion of conceptual and methodological issues, and then outlines potential avenues for further research. The book covers themes including: Contemporary personality perspectives Choking models of stress and performance Coping in sport Relational-efficacy beliefs Self-determination theory Transformational leadership Organizational psychology in sport Quantitative and qualitative methods in sport psychology The review format provides the perfect entry point for all researchers, advanced students or practitioners looking to engage with the latest research themes in contemporary sport psychology, offering a greater depth of discussion than the typical journal article. Informing knowledge generation, applied research and professional practice, Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology is an essential addition to any sport science library.

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